Friday, May 14, 2010

Has anybody ever experienced any real life cases in which hepatitis c was transmitted during sex?

I am wondering if anyone has ever had any real exp or known anyone. I appreciate everyones help!Has anybody ever experienced any real life cases in which hepatitis c was transmitted during sex?
Please go to a more accurate website to gather information. Hepatitis C (HCV) is a blood borne virus. NO BLOOD = NO VIRUS!!

There have been many reliable studies conducted, Johns Hopkins did one and numerous studies were conducted in European clinics, there was NO infection transmitted by ordinary sexual activity, with or without condoms.

HCV is NOT an STD. There was an attempt made to bundle HCV in with HIV, that was shot down. It was an attempt made by HIV organizations. It seems they wanted the pittance spent on HCV study in addition to their current (much larger) funding. It would not have helped HCV studies at all! C. Everrett Koop, former Surgeon General, spoke out against the proposal at many meetings, and ultimately the plan was rejected.

Studies of more than 1000 couples showed no transmittal of HCV to the non-infected spouse over the course of 7 years (to date - the study is continuing) as pertaining to those engaged in ';normal'; intercourse. Further, uninfected children were born of uninfected mothers during the course of the study.

There were instances of an uninfected spouse developing HCV, but in every case the genotype specifics did not match those of the infected spouse, implying that IDU continued among some of the non-infected, when they really should have known better. Just because you don't share a needle with an infected spouse doesn't mean you can assume that nobody else you share a needle with is infected!

The anal sex may put you at risk, or not! Depends on the level of activity. Semen will not cause infection, blood vessels will tear in the rectum, but without a corresponding open sore, etc. there may not be any chance of blood / blood contact. I would suggest condoms with anal sex. HCV is for life, and to minimize likelyhood of transmittal it's a small price to pay. I would advise against rough (S %26amp; M) sexual activities. Blood / Blood contact is virtually assured, and so would transmition of HCV be assured.

Don't just take my word on this. I suggest that a visit to a knowledgable site that updates as they receive current information is something that all should do. Those of us with this virus resent the misinformation that is passed along as ';fact'; by those who have very little knowledge of HCV.Has anybody ever experienced any real life cases in which hepatitis c was transmitted during sex?
my hubby was diagnosed with hep c 5 years ago and went through peg-interferon treatment for 6 months and has had no detectable viral count since he completed his treatment. we never used a condom, we had no idea he had hep C until he was diagnosed after a visit to the doctor for another issue. it's strictly blood-to-blood contact, so perhaps anal sex ';might'; transmit, but doubtful.
Hep C is very hard to transmit with regular sex but a low risk remains. Other types of sex would raise the risk factor significantly unless a condom was used. I do know one man that did drugs when he was young who later infected his wife with hep C but I never asked him about his sex life or sex practices. I do know that neither partner did IV drugs while they were married. Sharing the razor or toothbrush of an infected person can spread the virus rather easily so you can catch hep C many different ways and then the result might get blamed on sexual contact.鈥?/a>
Hep C is now considered a STD. You can get Hep B through sex as well, but last I read C is more commonly transmitted through sex.

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