Thursday, May 13, 2010

Do immediate family members have more rights to a adopted family members over guardianship in court cases?

my wife is trying to give guardianship of my three year old daughter over to her adopted parents dose immediate family have more rights to the child Do immediate family members have more rights to a adopted family members over guardianship in court cases?
Depends on the State you live in, Get a lawyer or go to legal aid. Do immediate family members have more rights to a adopted family members over guardianship in court cases?
If I am reading this right, your child will be given to her maternal grandparents? Besides you and your wife, they are considered immediate family (Whether or not they are her parents through blood or adoption)

Once an adoption is finalized, the rights and responsibilites of the parents are the same as if the child was biologically theirs. This is the same case with Grandparents too. Blood relatives have no more rights than adoptive relatives
id try re listing this question over in the adoption section, there a pretty knowledgeable bunch over there when it comes to this kind of thing. also I'm not sure where your from but i know in australia that grandparents do have some rights but not more so than the biological parents. unless of course there's some history of violence or abandonment, drug use, etc etc. ( I'm not implying thar you have any of these issues going on) id get a lawyer and quickly b4 its too late
You have more rights to your daughter unless the courts say otherwise then she can recommend who she wants to have guardianship but in the end the courts will decide what is in the best interest of the child. Usually maternal family is first in line followed by paternal family but that isn't always the case and you can choose to have it set up so someone else can take guardianship as long as they are found fit to raise a child.
I have heard that biological has first rights , as long as they can prove they are fit to handle things according to the courts.

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