Friday, January 22, 2010

POLL: Can you name any cases where adding ketchup would've made the event more memorable?

Most any event...

My friends' weddings, my divorse, shaving, kareoke, the olympics...the tenth oath taking of the President...POLL: Can you name any cases where adding ketchup would've made the event more memorable?
yeah me and my mates were camping and had water, juice and ketchup fight... the ketchup was more fun though... if only we had more...

you know, the stoopid fun way of dividing two teams and the throwing of crap(water balloons, juice, bread, whatever) at each other? lolPOLL: Can you name any cases where adding ketchup would've made the event more memorable?
well, in class i had a lecture, and if someone poured ketchup all over the teacher, it would have been a memorable lecture indeed
Yeah when the fight broke out on our girls night out they began to throw chicken strips... adding ketchup would have helped :)
My Brothers wedding......MWAHAHAHA!!!!!!
When the biscuit exploded and hit the back of that woman's head.

Do you know that story?
high school

loads of ketchup though

hmm... intriguing question
any food fight is always better when you add ketchup
yeah at lunch today when i was eating fries

no white after labor day?

(tho i hear that's ok these days haha)

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