Thursday, May 13, 2010

Have you ever heard of cases where a Jewish hate group attacked someone as opposed to a nazi hate group?

Your question makes no sense. But what I think you're asking is if Jewish hate groups have ever attacked anyone.

Ignoring the dumb answers already given, the Kahane group was pretty bad. And, Orthodox groups within Israel attack others whom they deem to be violating Torah, but they're not a hate group, just a large, varied group of people -- some of whom do bad things.Have you ever heard of cases where a Jewish hate group attacked someone as opposed to a nazi hate group?
yes,but usually they do it in court room,anti defamation league is a jewish hate group.Have you ever heard of cases where a Jewish hate group attacked someone as opposed to a nazi hate group?
Oh yes it is an epidemic. Its happening all the time in La La Land. You know about it because that has got to be where you live.
Yes I believe it is called Israel.
Yes just ask the people in Gaza.

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